Official Blog

A Drift of Cottonwood Snow

A Drift of Cottonwood Snow

There was something in the air yesterday. As I crossed the parking lot at work, I felt as if I was walking through a snowglobe in July. Cottonwood seeds drifted and swirled in billowy fluffs, then nestled like eiderdown blankets tucked gently around the flowers by the...

Summer Jobs: Babysitting

Summer Jobs: Babysitting

(Beneath that mild-mannered exterior is: The Babysitter!)Think back to your summer jobs as a young teenager. How many of you babysat? Without even thinking very hard, I recalled a few of my babysitting horror stories:1) The 2 year old who screamed at the top of his...

Unplug & Recharge

Unplug & Recharge

I've been feeling the need to unplug, get away, take a few deep breaths, and recharge the batteries. We all have our "happy places" and mine is near the border. When I live in God's Country, why is the draw always farther north? Perhaps because work, daily stresses,...

Sports Talk

Sports Talk

For years, I've perfected the cheering lingo of the various sports our sons have played. Each one has its own unique language.Baseball: Nice cut -- Good hit -- Right to the glove -- Just play catch -- Good hit.Basketball: Tough D! -- Arms up -- Look for the ball --...

Avian Ponderings

Avian Ponderings

We drove to Fergus Falls yesterday, where I was delighted to find a common egret rookery in "full bloom." The tiny offshore island in the small city park lake was loaded with nesting egrets. I'd seen a blue heron rookery in my home turf years ago, but this was my...

Memory & Smell

Memory & Smell

Our olefactory sense is one that evokes deep memories. I have always been able to "smell spring," and until I do, spring isn't really here. Seeing the first robin means nothing if the satisfying aroma of thawing earth doesn't accompany the sighting. And we all know...

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