Author Jodi Schwen

Author/speaker Jodi Schwen thrives in the heart of central Minnesota’s north woods by keeping her wit about her.

Her book, Northern Comfort: The Musings of Jacqueline Pine Savage, will be published June 1, by North Star Press, St. Cloud, MN.

Some call it “outstate” or the “boondocks” –Jacqueline Pine Savage calls it home. Either way, living in a rural community means finding the humor in north woods living. Laugh anew over the sacred holidays of hunting and fishing seasons, family bonding when the dogs get “skunked,” and how to politely refuse the house tour when guests come a-calling.

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“Northern Comfort”: The Musings of Jacqueline Pine Savage, Is Now Available!
Telling Tales

Telling Tales

The palest ink is better than the best memory. —Unknown Life goes by so fast, it is important to write the stories before they get away. The following family tales are candid snapshots of moments in time . . . Our son and his family came home from the city for the...

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Ages & Stages

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North Woods Survivors

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God Danced

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