Author/speaker Jodi Schwen thrives in the heart of central Minnesota’s north woods by keeping her wit about her.
Her book, Northern Comfort: The Musings of Jacqueline Pine Savage, will be published June 1, by North Star Press, St. Cloud, MN.
Some call it “outstate” or the “boondocks” –Jacqueline Pine Savage calls it home. Either way, living in a rural community means finding the humor in north woods living. Laugh anew over the sacred holidays of hunting and fishing seasons, family bonding when the dogs get “skunked,” and how to politely refuse the house tour when guests come a-calling.

My Mother’s Face
When disciplining our children, every parent has thought, “I sound just like my mother/father.” But I do have my mother’s face. An 8x10 photograph of my mother is on my desk. On her face, she wears a Mona Lisa smile. I keep the photo there as I write—a continual...
I used to describe myself as a wife and mother. I am still all that and more, but I've reached that marvelous age of freedom -- I can define myself the way I want, wear make-up only when I feel like it, and I'll never be held back by the limitations of: "I've never...