When I took a walk last weekend, I saw two leaves on the road. They provided food for thought, so I tucked them into my pocket and they survived the trek home.
The leaves led me to ponder: Why would two leaves of the same type have such a variety of hues? I know, a scientifically minded person would inform me about conditions that would affect them, such as moisture, windy weather conditions, even marauding squirrels (I came up with that one on my own . . . can you tell?).
I have decided on a simpler reason. “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot . . .” (Eccles. 3: 1-2).
A time to cling to the branch and a time to let go.
That’s beautiful — and timely, for us.
Thanks for reading and giving me an encouraging comment! I really enjoy hearing what folks think of my often-random musings.
Great photo! Both the writing and Bible verse – profound!
Thanks for stopping by my blog, Naomi! I love getting feedback on the events that catch my attention — glad to know they were encouraging…
This is another example I can use with my kids when they ask why we have different eye color or why brown people are brown or why identical twins have different-sounding voices. Thanks for the beautiful writing!
Good suggestion, SMS! We can use all the ideas we can get in learning how to answer those never-ending questions! You’re such a creative mom!!