by Jodi Schwen | Aug 26, 2009 | Blog
When I took a walk last weekend, I saw two leaves on the road. They provided food for thought, so I tucked them into my pocket and they survived the trek home.The leaves led me to ponder: Why would two leaves of the same type have such a variety of hues? I know, a...
by Jodi Schwen | Aug 16, 2009 | Blog
With gnarled fingers, missing a few digits from farm accidents, Lawrence painstakingly fashions a pair of earrings from fishing spinners.For years, I secretly called Lawrence, “The Man Who Came with the Resort,” because he’d lived in the trailer on...
by Jodi Schwen | Jul 23, 2009 | Blog
There was something in the air yesterday. As I crossed the parking lot at work, I felt as if I was walking through a snowglobe in July. Cottonwood seeds drifted and swirled in billowy fluffs, then nestled like eiderdown blankets tucked gently around the flowers by the...
by Jodi Schwen | Jul 6, 2009 | Blog
(Beneath that mild-mannered exterior is: The Babysitter!)Think back to your summer jobs as a young teenager. How many of you babysat? Without even thinking very hard, I recalled a few of my babysitting horror stories:1) The 2 year old who screamed at the top of his...
by Jodi Schwen | Jun 10, 2009 | Blog
I’ve been feeling the need to unplug, get away, take a few deep breaths, and recharge the batteries. We all have our “happy places” and mine is near the border. When I live in God’s Country, why is the draw always farther north? Perhaps because...