by Jodi Schwen | Jul 23, 2009 | Blog
There was something in the air yesterday. As I crossed the parking lot at work, I felt as if I was walking through a snowglobe in July. Cottonwood seeds drifted and swirled in billowy fluffs, then nestled like eiderdown blankets tucked gently around the flowers by the...
by Jodi Schwen | Jul 6, 2009 | Blog
(Beneath that mild-mannered exterior is: The Babysitter!)Think back to your summer jobs as a young teenager. How many of you babysat? Without even thinking very hard, I recalled a few of my babysitting horror stories:1) The 2 year old who screamed at the top of his...
by Jodi Schwen | Jun 10, 2009 | Blog
I’ve been feeling the need to unplug, get away, take a few deep breaths, and recharge the batteries. We all have our “happy places” and mine is near the border. When I live in God’s Country, why is the draw always farther north? Perhaps because...
by Jodi Schwen | May 5, 2009 | Blog
For years, I’ve perfected the cheering lingo of the various sports our sons have played. Each one has its own unique language.Baseball: Nice cut — Good hit — Right to the glove — Just play catch — Good hit.Basketball: Tough D! —...
by Jodi Schwen | Apr 26, 2009 | Blog
We drove to Fergus Falls yesterday, where I was delighted to find a common egret rookery in “full bloom.” The tiny offshore island in the small city park lake was loaded with nesting egrets. I’d seen a blue heron rookery in my home turf years ago,...
by Jodi Schwen | Apr 18, 2009 | Blog
Our olefactory sense is one that evokes deep memories. I have always been able to “smell spring,” and until I do, spring isn’t really here. Seeing the first robin means nothing if the satisfying aroma of thawing earth doesn’t accompany the...